Contribution Asks

Dynamic Highest Previous Contribution Asks

A common tactic in donation emails is to tailor the numeric ask in the email (Can you give $XX....) to the donation history.

Traditionally, with the old style of tags, you could only call out their highest previous contribution, or fallback to a different value for non-donors.

With Twig, you can tailor the ask to your specifications. For example, you could decide you want to ask for 75% of their highest previous contribution, but cap the amounts at between $25 and $200. And, you want to make sure you're asking for a round number ($10, not $10.01).

{% set max_ask = 200 %}
{% set min_ask = 25 %}
{% set factor = 0.75 %}
{% set ask = min(max_ask, max(min_ask, factor * hpc_raw)) | round %}

Can you give ${{ ask }} today?
Can you give $25 today?
Can you give $200 today?
Can you give $79 today?

You can change the max_ask, min_ask, and factor variables depending on your preferences or what you're testing.

If you'd like to use that dynamic ask in a QD link:

<a href="{{ qd_link("default", ask) }} >QUICK DONATE: ${{ask}}</a>