Using Contribution History


These examples assume donors

Since this data uses historical contribution data, all of these code examples assume the user is a donor. You can ensure this either by segmenting to donors, or by adding conditional statements.

Supporter Records

One thing you can do for a user is list them back their contribution history for a supporter record email.

Your supporter record:
{% for contrib in contribution.contributions %}
	{{ contrib.transaction_dt }}: ${{contrib.transaction_amt }}
{% endfor%}

And that will result in something like:

Your supporter record:

2013-01-16 12:22:33: $100.00
2012-12-12 11:34:11: $44.01
2012-11-14 01:32:12: $10000.00

If you didn't want to include the time and wanted a nicer more readable date format, didn't want to include cents, and wanted to add thousands-separators for large contributions:

{% for contrib in contribution.contributions %}
	{{ contrib.transaction_dt  | date("F j, Y")  }}: 
  ${{ contrib.transaction_amt | number_format  }}
{% endfor%}

And that would result in:

January 16, 2013: $100 

December 12, 2012: $44 

November 14, 2012: $10,000 

Advanced Contribution Asks

In addition to iterating over the data for display, you can use the values to derive advanced contribution metrics. This includes things such as:

  • Average contribution.
  • Total contributed
  • Dates and amounts of the users oldest and newest recent contributions
  • Number of contributions
  • The above for contributions filtered by date, contribution page, or contribution type (online, offline, recurring, non-recurring).

Data columns

Because of the data format, sometimes you want to grab a column of data from the contribution data object.To assist with that, we've added a convience function, column(), for fetching a column of similar values.

For example, you'll often want to grab all the transaction_amts:

{{ column(contribution.contributions, 'transaction_amt') }}

If you want to get a list of all the contribution amounts in descending order, you'd do:

{{ column(contribution.contributions,'transaction_amt') | sort | reverse}}

Second Highest Previous Contribution

This code would ask for the second highest previous contribution as an ask, with a fallback both for donors with only one gift as well as non-donors, rounded and capped between $25 and $200:

{% set amts = column(contribution.contributions, 'transaction_amt')| sort | reverse %} 
{% set min_ask = 25 %}
{% set max_ask = 200 %}
{% set ask =  amts[1] ?: amts[0] | default(min_ask) %}
{% set ask = min(max(min_ask, ask), max_ask) | round %}
Will you donate ${{ ask }} today?

Total Contributed, Number of Contributions, and Average Contribution:

For the donation history from above, this would result in:

{% set amts = column(contribution.contributions, 'transaction_amt') %} 
- Number of donations {{ amts | length }} 
- Total donated ${{ sum(amts) }}
- Average donation ${{ sum(amts)/amts|length }} 
- Rounded average donation: ${{ (sum(amts)/ amts | length) | round }}


Beware of calculating Average donation for non-donors

If you try to calculate Average Donation for a non-donor, you'll end up dividing by 0, which results in nothing being output, which is never what you want. The way to avoid this is to wrap the calculation in a conditional statement.

Oldest and Newest Contributions and Dates:

Date of first contribution:  {{  contribution.contributions | sort_by("transaction_dt") | first.transaction_dt  }} 
  Date of last contribution:  {{  contribution.contributions | sort_by("transaction_dt") | last.transaction_dt  }} 

First donation amount: 
{{  contribution.contributions | sort_by("transaction_dt") | first.transaction_amt  }} 
Last donation amount : 
{{  contribution.contributions | sort_by("transaction_dt") | last.transaction_amt  }}


You can also filter the contributions used for the above types of operations, using the where filter.

For example, the following would create a new contribution data object for all contributions made during 2014:

{% set contribs_2014 = contribution.contributions | where({"transaction_dt":{"lte": "2014-01-01 00:00:00", "gt": "2015-01-01 00:00:00"}}) %}

If you wanted to filter in a way that wasn't possible with the where() filter, you could utilize a for-if loop to build a new array.

For example, to exclude contributions to a specific set of pages:

{% set contrib_subset = [] %}
{% for contrib in contribution.contributions if contrib.contribution_page_id not in [13,14,15]%}
{% set contrib_subset = contrib_subset | merge([contrib]) %}
{% endfor %}

If only wanted to include donations after a specific date that were not recurring, you can combine equality comparisons with the inequality comparison object:

{% set contrib_subset = contribution.contributions | where({"is_recurring":0, "transaction_dt": {"gt":"2014-11-02 00:00:00"}}) %}