Twig Link Functions
These functions support variables as arguments.
You can pass a variable or any expression to these functions. They do not have limitations.
One Click Signups
One Click Signup URL (%%ONE_CLICK_SIGNUP_URL%% )
{{ one_click_signup_url(slug) }}
Inserts just the URL for a one-click signup
One Click Signup URL (%%ONE_CLICK_SIGNUP%% )
{{ one_click_signup_link(slug, linktext) }}
Inserts a link for one-click signup.
Account Settings
{{ manage_account_link(linktext) }}
Inserts a link to manage a constituent's account information
{{ recipient.unsubscribe }}
Quick Donate Link (%%QD_LINK%% )
{{ qd_link(slug, amount) }}
{# Ask for half of HPC, rounded. #}
{% set ask = (contribution.highestprevcontribraw|default(25))//2 %}
<a href="{{ qd_link("default", ask) }}">
QUICK DONATE: ${{ ask }} </a%gte;
Quick Donate Amount (%%QD_AMOUNT%% )
{{ qd_amount(amount) }}
{% set ask = (contribution.highestprevcontribraw|default(25))//2 %}
<a href="{{ qd_amount(ask) }}">
QUICK DONATE: ${{ ask }} </a>
Generate a link to a speakout campaign.
{{ spk_campaign.speakout(slug) }} {# Generates a URL #}
{{ spk_campaign.speakout(slug, linktext) }} {# Builds the full link HTML for you #}
<a href="{{ spk_campaign.speakout('speakout-slug') }}">Tell your rep to act now!</a>
{{ spk_campaign.speakout("speakout-slug", "Tell your rep to act now.") }}
Updated less than a minute ago